Lentil Soup Recipe
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- 2 min read
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of cooking oil 1 kg yellow lentils (or red or brown), soaked and boiled 5 carrots, chopped 4 – 6 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped 2 red onions, chopped 2 tablespoons of tomato puree 4 sage leaves 2 stalks of rosemary leaves Ground spices – cinnamon, paprika, ginger, cardamom, coriander (3/4 tsp […]
What is Your Relationship With Food?
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- 8 min read
Yes, food is a necessity, it is vital to our existence and maybe that’s why we spend so much of our time around it. How did you develop your relationship with food? Has it changed over time? Do you eat what you like or watch what you eat? Are there feelings of satiety and gratefulness […]
Natural Pain Relievers
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- 5 min read
Pain is personal, we have all experienced it at one point in our lives. The physical symptoms of pain can be steady, throbbing, stabbing, aching or pinching and most obviously uncomfortable. It can range from mild to debilitating and is a signal by our bodies that there is something amiss. We should not ignore pain. […]
The Wonders of Mushrooms
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- 4 min read
The Wonders of Mushrooms Mushrooms, a type of fungus, is considered a wonder food. You might have seen some growing on a wall or in the corner of a damp room, but the edible types are either farmed or foraged in open spaces. An excellent meat alternative, this dynamic flavored food makes part of a […]
A Gluten Free Guide
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- 11 min read
Food can be so technical, but once you understand some basic principles, it gets easy to enjoy and meet your nutritional needs. What exactly is gluten? Gluten is a type of protein found primarily in wheat grains including barley and rye made from a combination of gliadin and glutenin. It gives dough it’s stretchy texture […]
Honey We Got You!
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- 5 min read
We need bees for our survival quite literally. Apart from helping to maintain our vast food sources as excellent pollinators, they produce honey and by-products that have been used for centuries for the following: Boosting immune function Wound healing Fertility and sexual reproductive health Antimicrobial agent Weight and health management Promoting healthy skin and hair […]
Tea, Yes Please!
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- 9 min read
Getting The Tea Did you know that ‘Chai’ is the word for tea in Hindi? The most heartwarming drink and very common in different cultural traditions, tea spans thousands of years and millennia. It originated in southwest China as a medicinal drink and is now enjoyed in all parts of the world. This magnificent drink […]
The Mighty Greens; Moringa, Spirulina and Chlorella.
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- 8 min read
Moringa There has been a global demand for this miracle tree known as Moringa oleifera, or horseradish tree or the drumstick tree, and it has made headlines for good reason. This affordable and nutritious plant native to Asia and Africa, grows as a shrub in a lot of semi-arid areas and has been consumed as […]
More Tea? Yes Please!
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- 8 min read
Getting The Tea Herbal tea is a term applied to natural products steeped like tea but not from the Camellia sinensis plant. They are made from plants, flowers, roots, spices and herbs dried to create a wonderful variety of tastes and different health properties. These include chamomile tea, peppermint tea, rooibos tea, lavender tea, hibiscus […]
The Sweet Goodness of Sugarcane
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- 3 min read
What are the benefits? Sweet like sugarcane. A tropical perennial grass (Saccharum officinarum) of the family Poaceae is commonly processed as sugar. It is also used to make ethanol and biofuel, and cane fibres are fodder for livestock. Most medical and nutritional experts advise keeping sugar intake to a minimum as our bodies can only […]
Keeping Safe During Covid
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- 4 min read
We are in this Together The fatigue around the Covid-19 pandemic is evident. The reality is that it is still very much tangible and spreading among us, new variants abound. It is increasingly difficult when there is no remedy or cure in sight. There are only treatments for now, but the most effective way is […]
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- 4 min read
The Male Menopause? Have you ever wondered what the male equivalent of menopause (‘manopause’) is? It’s known as andropause. Defined as a syndrome associated with a decrease in sexual satisfaction or a decline in a feeling of general well-being with low levels of testosterone in older men. This decline can start for some from age […]